Data Interpretation Thomeer Curve Fitting: Rock Typing • Thomeer model is extensively used to fit the Pc curves (hyperbolic function) for saturation height modelling and rock typing • Fitted curves are defined by the pore structure factor (G), threshold pressure (Pd) and the total interconnected pore volume (Sb∞) (Bulk Volume saturation
Saturation Height Function and Model . 48. Figure 2.27. The Thomeer type curves with gradually increasing pore geometric or G-factors from left to right.
Fully Upscaled Saturation-Height Functions for Reservoir Modeling based on Thomeer's Method for Analyzing Capillary Pressure Measurements March 2007 DOI: 10.2118/105139-MS Summary: Saturation height function using the Thomeer model The saturation-height function using Flow Zone Index (FZI): •Breakthrough pressure, Pb = 6.4468*(FZI-0.7918) •Thomeer Shape factor, C = 0.3174*(FZI-0.1586) •Capillary Pressure from height above FWL (m) Pc = (Height above FWL x 62.42762 (ρ w –ρ g ) x 3.28084)/144 Buiting J (2007) Fully upscaled saturation-height functions for reservoir modeling based on Thomeer’s method for analyzing capillary pressure measurements. In: Paper SPE 105139 presented at the 15th SPE Middle East oil & gas show and conference held in Bahrain International Exhibition Centre, Kingdom of Bahrain The two best known methods to analyze MICP measurements and to estimate saturation height curves are Thomeer-and Leverett J functions. However, neither method has been satisfactorily upscaled until now. The popular J-function method usual starts with a classification of pore systems using the parameter. The results of this study show that the most commonly used Leverett-J model is one of the poorer performing saturation-height functions.
This functions correlated data over several orders of magnitude change in permeability. Also, notice that the J function value where most of the saturation change occurs is close to the value of 0.49 for a bundle of identical capillary tubes. (The square root sign is missing in Figure 6.) Notice that the wetting phase saturation appears to plot the weight retained on each tray as a histogram as in Fig. 3.3. A histogram shows what percentage by weight of the grains fall within a particular size range. This type of presentation gives a good visual impression of the distribution of grains in the various size categories. In particular, it is easy to see how The saturation plateau as a function of local disorder for six contrasting kaolinites exposed to He + ion beam is shown in the inset of Fig. 4.4.The defect concentration at saturation increases with the local crystalline disorder of kaolinite, as estimated from structural Fe 3 + local probes (Gaite et al., 1997). Saturation modeling in a carbonate reservoir using capillary pressure based saturation height function: a case study of the Svk reservoir in the Y Field P. Q. Lian 0 X. Q. Tan 0 C. Y. Ma 0 R. Q. Feng 0 H. M. Gao 0 0 P. Q. Lian (&) X. Q. Tan C. Y. Ma R. Q. Feng H. M. Gao Sinopec Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute , Beijing , China Because of the complex pore structure and Saturation Height Function - Read online for free.
A histogram shows what percentage by weight of the grains fall within a particular size range. This type of presentation gives a good visual impression of the distribution of grains in the various size categories.
plot the weight retained on each tray as a histogram as in Fig. 3.3. A histogram shows what percentage by weight of the grains fall within a particular size range. This type of presentation gives a good visual impression of the distribution of grains in the various size categories. In particular, it is easy to see how
Use interpolation or plot a detailed graph for better accuracy. Repeat this for each sample and its respective data table. This functions correlated data over several orders of magnitude change in permeability. Also, notice that the J function value where most of the saturation change occurs is close to the value of 0.49 for a bundle of identical capillary tubes.
To address the otherwise underestimated volumes in the transition zone above the current FWL, a deeper pseudo-FWL was created and used as input to the saturation height function. Despite log-based water saturation (Archie) and core measurements (Dean Stark) indicating more than 80% water saturation for less permeable reservoir rocks within the oil leg, production tests did not produce water at
This relationship can be determined experimentally. The S oi /S or relationship model includes Land’s type, Suzanne type (plateau type), and Linear correlation type.
This, and the related gas and water saturations are controlled by capillary pressure. CORE – Aggregating the world’s open access research papers 5 Nov 2008 Presentation to illustrate links between saturation height relationships, permeability Thomeer Cap-Curve basics
- Thomeer function:
Saturation Height Function and Model . 48. Figure 2.27. The Thomeer type curves with gradually increasing pore geometric or G-factors from left to right. using saturation height modeling, Mesaverde tight gas sandstones, value in each well, accurate permeability values have been calculated based on the saturation height function subsequent red curves after applying the Thomeer mode
(Saturation Height Functions) and demonstrate similarity.
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Thomeer. Normalized.
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Saturation Height (SwH) functions may address all these properties, including permeability, but relies on the variation of saturation as function of the Height Above the Free Water Level (HAFWL) or capillary pressure.
Normalized. J- Function Techlog SHM module (Saturation Height Modeling) allows to build Thomeer function to obtain mathematical model of water saturation from capillary pressure. 6 Jun 2019 The capillary pressure in a reservoir determines the saturation distribution The shape of this function is determined by three Thomeer parameters: Buiting, J. [ 2007] Fully Upscaled Saturation-Height Functions for Re relationship, capillary pressure profile and water saturation for a given height above free The ones discussed here are the Leverett J-function, Thomeer model,. Water saturation vs.
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Saturation modeling features. Takes into account irreducible saturations and transition zones; Multiple methods, including: Height functions; Leverett J-functions; Thomeer and capillary functions; User-defined equations; Modeling zones defined using: Lithology and rock-type classes; Reservoir compartments ; Multiple compartments and contact
Day 4 will cover show how to convert lab measured capillary pressure data to reservoir conditions to determine height above free water, seal capacity and initial water saturation. The use of the Thomeer method for the Arab D Reservoir at Ghawar is focused on three issues: (1) facies-dependent saturation-height modeling; (2) free-water level determination; and (3) facies-dependent recovery estimation. Capillary pressure (Pc) from special core analysis data can be an excellent method to build saturation height function. Good quality, controlled datasets ten saturation height models. Upscaling is difficult when desiring to honor and retain the information obtained from core descriptions, facies classifications and mercury injection Who use saturation-height function Geologist uses it to generate GIIP or OllP in his static model The result of static model is passed to Reservoir Engineer for the starting point of his dynamic modelling (history matching). Methods disclosed herein may create a saturation-height function by: quantitatively measuring microporosity, using techniques such as laser scanning confocal microscopy and/or MICP data; determining the distribution of facies and microporosity as a function of depth using techniques such as conventional openhole logs, core, borehole images, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) logs, and analysis of sequential core samples using confocal microscopy and/or MICP; and evaluating the effect of 2015-06-24 · In a manner similar to that described in the previous P c /S w section, height/saturation curves are often fitted to these resistivity-log-derived S w data to enable reservoir hydrocarbons-in-place volumes to be calculated.